The sales compensation platform

Turn sales compensation into a growth driver with Amalia. Discover how our sales compensation platform does more than improve operational efficiency, it drives sales performance.
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Statement screen of Amalia app
Design your plans heading image

Design your plans

Create plans autonomously
Learn about design
Manage your implementation heading image

Manage your implementation

Improve team efficiency
Learn about manage
Motivate your team heading image

Motivate your team

Drive sales performance
Learn about motivate
Scale your business heading image

Scale your business

Insights to grow your business
Learn about scale

Connect in a few clicks

You don’t have time to find workarounds to connect to your sales and finance tools. Amalia’s sales compensation platform makes integrating your software easy.

After teaming up with your different tools, our platform will supercharge your compensation processes..
Connect to Amalia with your platform and map your data, link data ....

Leverage your proprietary tools

Connect Amalia to your internal databases, data warehouse, and other proprietary platforms to get the full picture of your sales team’s performance.
With Amalia, it’s as easy as plugging in your APIs on the platform.

Get more out of your platforms

Seamlessly connect your CRM, ERP, HRIS, and sales platforms with Amalia to centralise your data and automate your processes. Also create links between your different tables within a same database. With your tools working together, you can build more agile, effective compensation processes.